Privacy Hotel Garden Noale


Please read the data confidentiality information carefully

Hotel Garden Personal Data Confidentiality Information

Hotel Garden

Via Tempesta 124
30033 Noale (Venezia)
Tel. 041.4433299 - Fax 041.442104


information concerning the handling of personal data in accordance with article 13 of Decree Law 196 dated 30/06/200 relating to the protection of privacy.

Dear guests

Please note that to stipulate a contract between the hotel and guests, the hotel is in possession of personal data acquired, also verbally, directly or from third parties, as specified in Decree Law 196 dated 30/06/2003 (personal data confidentiality). The legislation requires that those handling personal data inform the relevant persons concerning the data handled and specific aspects qualifying handling. Data must be handled transparently and in accordance with legislation to protect your privacy and other rights.

In accordance with this legislation you are informed of the following.

Type of data handled

We handle the personal, tax and financial data needed to manage the current or future contractual relationship with your company. We are not in possession of any data defined as sensitive (art. 4 clause "b" Decree Law, 196) or judicial (art. 4 clause "e" Decree Law, 196).

Purpose of data handling

Your data is handled as part of contractual needs and the consequent legal and tax obligations, as well as to ensure efficient management of commercial and financial aspects. The data is handled for the entire duration of the contract and for a further period to satisfy legal obligations and for administrative and commercial purposes.

Method of handling

Data is handled using tools and procedures suitable to ensure security and confidentiality. Data may be handled using paper and electronic formats.

Compulsory and optional supply of data

As far as the data which we are obliged to handle is concerned, as a result of obligations resulting from legislation, regulations and EU directives, that is to say imposed by an authority and enshrined in law and regulated by control and monitoring bodies, failure to supply this data by you shall make it impossible to stipulate or abide by any contract, within the limits in which this data is needed to stipulate and abide by the contract. As far as the data which we are not obliged to handle is concerned, failure to supply this data shall be assessed by us case by case and will determine the consequent decisions in relation to the importance for us of the data requested but not supplied.

Your data will not be distributed by us, that is to say it will not be given to unknown persons in any way including making it available for consultation. Your data may be distributed by us, that is to say given to one or more known persons, under the following terms:

Your rights

Part of article 7 of Decree Law 196 is reproduced below to inform you that you may exercise the following rights in relation to us:

To exercise these rights please contact the person nominated by us, Mr Natalino Dalla Bona, in one of the following ways:

Telephone 041.4433299;
Hotel Garden postal address:;

Persons or body responsible for handling of data

The body responsible for handling data is the firm GARDEN SRL. Company details are supplied below..
The complete list of persons nominated by us and responsible for handling data can be obtained from GARDEN SRL.

Kind regards

30033 NOALE VE

Person in charge of data handling
Natalino Dalla Bona



Via G. Tempesta, 124 30033 Noale - Venezia - Tel. 041.4433299 -Fax 041.442104 - C.F./Partita Iva: 00732540273 -

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